There's this wall in our condo...
It's not big. (Not quite 5' wide.) But big enough to house an awkwardly positioned thermostat and doorbell. You can't exactly hang a mirror or single piece of art here - there's no way to center it. Such an annoying little wall. Since we moved in, almost 4 months ago, it's been bugging me. Yesterday, I fixed that.
I hung some of my favorite art on this once annoying wall. You don't just see the thermostat and doorbell right away now; your eye is drawn to the art instead.
Mission accomplished.
1 A cutout I made, simply using a piece of scrapbook paper and an X-acto knife
2 All of our names exists as street names on Staten Island, NY! This was a special gift from my sister and brother-in-law :)
3 A print I ordered for Travis for Christmas. He has always wanted to collect old/vintage cameras. Since they can be a bit pricey, I got him a printed collection for only $25
4 Some of my favorite pictures of our family and little fella
And then there's the hoop.
Right now it's a place saver. I have a project planned for this spot. Stay tuned.
I'm loving this wall now - it's my favorite wall in the house. Is that weird to say? That I have a favorite wall? Oh well. And it's my view from my "work station". Loving it.
(How annoying that the art all looks crooked in this picture -
it's all straight, I promise!)
it looks super cute! I like!! :)