Tuesday, August 7, 2012

a little fun with ivory soap

When I saw this pin on Pinterest, I pinned it, tucking it away on my board that has to do with educational and fun things for kids, aka Callan.  It looked like fun, but it also looked like it was up there on the messy scale, hence the tucking away.  But I never forgot about it.  I wanted to see for myself how this bar of soap turns into a crumbly mess.

So, this morning we had a little messy fun.

Before I popped the bar of soap into the microwave, I pushed the dining room table to one side of the room so Callan could have a larger space to get messy.  Plus I didn't really know what to expect, or how bad clean up would be.

Things started out fairly tame.

Then he realized he could pull off chunks, toss them, and watch them crumble/"explode" as they hit the floor.

He kept saying "ewww" (with a smile) as he played.

He had so much fun.

I sat and watched, thinking about how long it would take for me to clean up.

About 10 minutes into it, I pulled the plug on the fun because the soap crumbles were getting to be a bit much.  They were finding their way into the living room and kitchen.  They did clean up quite nicely, however, this would be a much better outside activity.  Dyson vacuum to the rescue.

The plus side of this activity?  My house smells very clean.

Kid and mother approved.


  1. i think i saw this on pinterest and was a bit enthralled. what a great mom you are to let him have so much fun with despite the mess :o) he looks delighted!

  2. I am SO going to try this with Eliana!!!
